For those who read my post-election essay titled “Burn it all down,” I want to apologize for its incendiary tone and for contributing to the divisiveness of our current political landscape. At the very least, I should’ve offered a trigger warning for language. My intent wasn’t to sow discord between me and people who have shown me so much love and support over the years who may have voted differently. Thinking of those people led me to remove the post and make this apology.
I still feel dismay, angst, and betrayal at the outcome of the election, and I can’t help that. But I spoke/wrote in anger, and I should have paused before broadcasting my very raw emotions.
Ultimately, I believe in the goodness and decency of humanity. We are allowed to feel strongly about our convictions because it means we care. I’ve always believed that increasing compassion, empathy, and love can ultimately solve any problem. So that’s where I’ll put my effort moving forward.